Design and implementation of Parking Management System(PMS)
Parking Management System maintains a good record of vehicles check in and checkout time. Both
two wheeler & four wheelers can be managed by this system and have different pricing system. Parking
Management System that enables the time management and control of vehicles by using parking number.
The system that will track the entry and exit of vehicles, maintain a listing of vehicle within the parking
lot, and determine the parking and it will also determine the cost of parking of vehicle.
Now days in many public places such as malls, multiplex system, hospitals, offices, market areas there
is a crucial problem of vehicle parking. The vehicle parking area has many lanes/slots for car parking.
So to park a vehicle one has to look for all the lanes. Moreover, this involves a lot of manual labour and
investment. Instead of vehicle caught in towing the vehicle can park on safe and security with low cost.
Nowadays, parking is a critical issue in every city. Due to parking problems, traffic problems being
increased, the proposed smart web parking system implemented using the web Application provides
users with an easy way of booking the parking slots through a website. Given that the system avoids
traffic congestion in commercial areas that unnecessarily consumes time, this paper provides an easy
reservation system for parking. In this web application, the user can view various parking slots and
check for the availability of slots